Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Are Some People Born Evil?

A major theme of the book is good vs. evil. People like the “foot washing Baptists” who confront Miss Maudie believe that people are naturally evil and that society must fight to reign in our evil nature and force people to follow the right path. On the other hand, Atticus has a lot of faith in human beings and always is able to see the good in everyone, even someone as mean and cruel as Mrs. Dubose. Are some people just born evil, or is it society and negative social influences (like learning to be racist, to be violent, or become a drunk) that turn basically good people into monsters like Bob Ewell?


  1. I don't think that people are born evil, just that the events that they go through and the way that they react to them can make them seem evil. It all depends on how someone reacts to a certain situation.


  2. I think that people aren't just born evil, it comes from what they are exposed to when they are learning about the world as they are young. They see what people around them do and think that is what they should do to. I don't believe that there is just someone who is evil from birth. - HPotterninja14

  3. I do not beleive that there are people who are just born evil. Everybody is born neutral and everybody has the potential to do good and bad things in their life. It all depends upon what they are exposed to as they grow up. -Mr. Der

  4. I agree with HPotterninja14, I think that events that people go through and how they react to them is what makes them evil or not.


  5. I think that everyone is born good, but that influences on them either keep them good or turn them bad. If the child is shown no love as a kid, he or she will most likely not know how to love anyone else.

  6. i agree with HPotterninja14 and i also think that they are trying to impress the person that they are learning these evil things

  7. People are not born evil i think. But we are taught it from a very young age. I mean we learn to lie when we are like 3 or 4. so i think every body isn't born evil just some learn from others examples to be a bad person. and some learn from others around them to be a good person.

  8. This all depends on what is meant by "born." I think that some people are born with a greater potential for evil. Many are born into circumstances that will corrupt them and cause them to make bad choices or to "turn evil"

  9. I think that people are effected by others the choices they make start to change them. Nobody is born evil.

  10. I agree with HPotterninja14, people are raised how their parents treat them, and how they treat others. Parents are role models, and younger kids observently watch their parents as they grow up. But in the end its the kids choice.
    -Pink lady(:

  11. For instants: When your a little kid and lets say your parents abused you, then your going to be tramitized and are going to become violent. AGREE WITH THEM ALL

    Gossip Girl

  12. All people are born good in my opinion, it's the way they grow up that makes them bad or good in the end.


  13. I belive nobody is actually born evil it's just influenced by things like alcohol, drugs, abuse, or things like that. These things mess with people's minds so then they direct their anger on other people instead of themselves.
    -$treet Balla

  14. I agree with Yoda to the extent that some people are born more prone to becoming evil and I would go further to say that some people are so prone to becoming evil that it begins early in their childhood if not at birth.
    -Chuck Norris

  15. I disagree with this statement because I believe that people are all born the same. I think that if you grow up in a bad, not supportive household you can become evil with all the neglect you got as a child is one way you can become evil.
    From Sporty Chick#00

  16. I agree with everyone. People are influenced by their peers and their parents. Some people are influenced by everything they see on tv, and some may be from music. I myself have never seen a demon child that brought out a shot gun and started shooting everyone in the hospital right after they are born.

  17. I think that people are highly influenced by the situation that they are born into and if it is more "good" or more "evil" then however they feel like it is is how they will be.


  18. Well Gossip Girl just because someone was raised in an unhealthy environment doesn't mean they are going to be bad people when they grow up. I see where you are coming from but people can change and develop into their own person. Your parents aren't going to define you. It's your choice who you are going to be.

  19. People aren't born into the world all-knowing. As an infant, the basis of your knowledge doesn't reach that of good and evil. Someone who is evil would have grown up with negatively influencing surroundings, and therefore grew into their ways.

    Lemony Snicket

  20. I agree with RickyBobby827 i don't think anyone is born evil it is the things that you go through throughout your life time that makes you evil.For example you could be a really good person and then if someone does something bad to you and you do it back thats chosing to do that on your own you weren't born that way. So I don't believe that some people are born evil.


  21. Christians believe that all people are born evil and sinful. That's just the way it is. However, then you can choose what you want to do with your own life.

  22. I disagree with that fact that people are born evil. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird, Mayella Ewell was not born evil, but rather a victim of poverty and a drunken, racist father which is what turned her into what she was as an adult.
    -Mr. Jefferson

  23. People are born evil like Sadam.

  24. I think it's your circumstances that can change you. You could be a really good person but something someone said or did can change you and make you malicious

  25. Many people are saying that you are influenced by your parents and surroundings. That is true. But your personality and beliefs influence your life too.

  26. People can't be born evil. It is what they go through as they grow up and the people they are influenced by that makes them that way.
    -Awesome Chick =)

  27. I dont think that anyone is born evil, but I think that experiences regardless of if your old or young, people become evil when they dont feel the world is going their way. That does not happen at birth but in your life experiences.
    Michael Scott

  28. I think that everyone is born good and society makes them evil. If you are beat, made fun of, or just have a bad childhood your most likely to end up evil. But i think everyone has a choice on weather or not they become evil and everyone can choose not to.


  29. A disagree with Maverick3, not all Christians say that people are born bad, some think that it's the people around a person who really controll whether the child will be "evil" or not.
    -Mr. Jefferson

  30. In agreement to $treet Balla's earlier comment, exposure to drugs and alchohol by others surrounding you can affect your sense of stability which can be later perceived as being "evil."

    Lemony Snicket

  31. Mr. Jefferson-
    But was Mayella truely evil? I think she only accused Tom Robinson because of her father. Mayella isn't evil, Bob is.

  32. Mayella Ewell doenst have a fair chance to succeed in life, I completely agree with that. On the other hand I don't agree with people are not born good and evil. Some people just seem to do worse things then others, but I feel others have a better chance to do good because of how they were brought up.


  33. With what Lemony Snicket said, I agree and disagree. People are always infuenced by the people and environment around them, even if the environment is bad they could end up being an amazing person because they don't want to end up like their parents.


  34. Many of you are saying that is is just the parents that influence. It doesn't just have to be the parents influencing the person, it could be anyone they look up to, a person on tv, a friend from school, a teacher...anyone - HPotterninja14

  35. I beleive that it is a combination of both. I beleive some people are born evil, but some become evil by what they are exposed to. For example I think Hitler was made evil, because he saw an oppurtunity to rise to power through blaming another race. I doubt Hitler was born hating the Jews, but he saw an oppurtunity and took it.
    Green backpack

  36. pink princess,
    Mayella still chose to convict him and lie unter oath. We are all responcible for our actions and because of that mayella is evil


  37. Some people are born evil. We call them crack babies. I guess its true to say its no one's fault for being evil. Most of the blame for the defects, I guess you could say, would go to the parents.

  38. I strongly disagree that people are born evil. People CHOOSE who they are, what they are. They may have bad examples, influences, or legitimate motives, but they still have the choice -- their character is completely within their control.

  39. I agree with Yoda people aren't born bad but some people are born in situations were they can easily turn bad

  40. i think some people are born into bad situations and it is harder to do good deeds but i dont think anybody is born evil

  41. i think anybody from any situation has the power to be a good human being

  42. Maybe some people are born evil, if you consider people taking drugs while pregnant. That could screw someone up pretty bad if you ask me.

  43. Lollypopsickle... You got nothing, to start off. Mayella is a terrible person, your right. But you didn't answer the question that it is asking. Are people born evil? In this case, I am pretty sure that Mayella was born evil. She really had no choice though because she was raised and taught by the most evil of all.
    ... I <3 K!tTeñS

  44. Lollypopsickle,
    I dont believe that mayella is necessarily evil nor was she born that way. Think about her father and the conditions she has to live in. Whats worse, there really isnt a way she can escape poverty. After a while, what would conditions like those do to a person? think about it.

  45. Even though being a crack baby could make your life hard, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are born evil. Even if you are born into a bad situation you always have the potential to rise against the bad and make your life better.


  46. I agree that Mayella had no chance to succeed in life. But her lieing under oath and convicting Tom Robinson for a crime he did not commit show that she is not so much evil but desperate to have her named cleared, as Atticus points out what she did in the society they live in is basically unspeakable.
    Michael Scott

  47. i agree with everyone who believes that people are not born evil but raised evil by an out side enfluence like friend or parents or anyone.

  48. Im saying that because of her actions toward tom and what she did to a harmless man, therefor she is evil and needs to be held responcible.


  49. I agree with Michael Scott. I think that Mayella was not so much trying to hurt Tom Robinson as she was trying to clear her own name.

  50. In a way I think mayella was just trying to stand up for her father, because she didn't want her father to be found guilty. It looks like she was protecting him. Im not saying i agree with what she did, just that she had some understandable motives.

  51. Although Mayella turned out bad, that doesn't mean she did not have a chance to be good. Everybody has a chance to be good, and a chance to be bad, Mayella chose to follow her father, and be bad. There have been people who were born to bad parents, but they see how bad their parents are, and they turn out good. - Mr. Der

  52. Yes there is no such thing as being born evil. It's not genetic it's just not possible bvery good point to whomever made that statement.

  53. I agree with McDonal and Michael Scott, Mayella was protecting herself from the harsh views of society, but at the same time she was putting Tom Robinson into harm. Does this really make her evil? The fact that she had to do this to save herself is the true evil of this situation.


  54. Gandhi said "A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes," and he makes a good point. People mostly think that they are evil and in turn they become evil.


  55. Nobody is born evil. They have to be brought up that way for it to be their personality
    -Uncle Buck

  56. I agree with Mr. Der. You get to choose how you live your life.


  57. I dissagree with nappyflappy because some people who were brought up in a very good home and had no real problems with being excepted by others are still evil. And I believe that this evil comes from a sence of pride that they were both born with and which accumulates overtime.

  58. That is a good point converseallstar7. Many things that make people seem evil are not the person's choice at all but the rigid unjust "rules" that society lives by

  59. Everyone is saying people are not born evil, but what is evil? Is evil being a murderer, a robber, a liar? What's evil?

  60. Evil is manifested in childhood, and also social status. Generally, poor people are much more humble than richer ones.
    -Uncle Buck

  61. I disagree with Sunny13, there are genetic disorders that make so people cannot feel sad for other people. These people usually become killers.
    Green backpack

  62. -Maverick3-,
    Evil is the thought of harming something or some one that is inocent.


  63. Maverick, evil is when you do something that purposely hurts someone else.

  64. I think that all these points are right and this is really a matter of opinion. In regards to Green backpack's comment about people not being able to feel sad for other people, this still doens't make them evil. They just don't understand compassion and whatever they do without feeling it is what makes them evil or not.


  65. I also think that becoming evil isn't just what you are exposed to, but what you aren't exposed to. When you live a conservative, sheltered life, you don't see what the world is really like. People change when they find something new that interests them, curiousity is what they have. But curiousity killed the cat! They have never been exposed to this, and their curiosity can lead them to do bad things, to eventually evil. -HPotterninja14

  66. Actually you could be born evil.. Saten was born evil.

  67. But if the people have genetic disorders like that, does it count as evil if they can't control it? Those people might not even know what they're doing, if they're insane or something. I think evil doing something on purpose with malicious intent.

  68. Satan is not a human, and technically he was never born, he was created.


  69. I agree with maverick3. What is evil? Is it evil if you do something bad that your parents raised you saying that it was ok? What if your parents were robers and you grew up thinking that it was ok to rob since you saw your parents doing it and saying it was ok. So would that person be concidered evil?


  70. I agree with McDonald everyone has choices in life and it is their choice to take the bad ones. I dissagree that it is anyones falt but the "evil" persons themselfs becuse people cant chose things for you. You chose who you want to be how you want to act. But on the other hand thier are things out of your controll that could contribute to being evil to like if you were born to a single parent and things like that.


  71. You are your own person and can dream to become whatever you want, however you AND they people around you make those dreams become reality.
    -Mr. Jefferson

  72. I think Bob Ewell was a terrible peron and a terrible father but he wasn't born that way he just was raised that way and also was probably raised to be nothing but a lazy drunk,from example of the others around him when he was young
